Remember this..?
"I have given my life to try to alleviate the sufferings of Africa. There is something that all white men who have lived here like I must learn and know: that these individuals are a sub-race. They have neither the intellectual, mental, or emotional abilities to equate or to share equally with white men in any function of our civilization. I have given my life to try to bring them the advantages which our civilization must offer, but I have become well aware that we must retain this status: the superior and they the inferior. For whenever a white man seeks to live among them as their equals they will either destroy him or devour him. And they will destroy all of his work. Let white men from anywhere in the world, who would come to Africa, remember that you must continually retain this status; you the master and they the inferior like children that you would help or teach. Never fraternize with them as equals. Never accept them as your social equals or they will devour you. They will destroy you."
I'll return to that, but meanwhile....
Many people today would be amazed and shocked to discover that, prior to WW2 (and, to a gradually lesser degree, until the early 1960’s) virtually all white men of learning and distinction would today be regarded as “racial supremacists of the worst sort”. This is largely why the acronym “DWEM” (Dead White European Male) had to be coined, in order to belittle their academic heritage whilst poking fun both at their imperfect morality and their mortality.
“Young people – don’t be in awe of past generations of white men – firstly they are dead, so they cannot have been as great as they have been portrayed, and secondly you can safely ignore much of what they said because most of them were odious racists”.
For example, here are a couple of quotes from 2 famous American “liberals”
(uh-oh, I can’t vouch for their accuracy either, but they do ring truthful for their times)
Inscribed on the Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC in reference to Negro slaves:
"Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate, than that these people are to be free.”
Thomas Jefferson's actual words:
"Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate, than that these people are to be free; nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them."
Abraham Lincoln to a group of Negro community leaders on August 14th of 1862:
"Why should the people of your race be colonized, and where? Why should they leave this country? This is, perhaps, the first question for proper consideration. You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated."
Therefore, it came as no great surprise to find that Albert Schweitzer held “racist” opinions about blacks, especially so since he lived amongst them for 50 years. That is to say he didn’t believe the prevailing orthodoxy - the Marxist misinformation that “all races are inherently equal”, and that if some APPEAR not to be equal it is only because they haven’t been educated”. In other words, its whiteys fault AS USUAL of course, as it is our responsibility to educate them isn’t it? (If, like me, you can immediately spot the flagrant flaw within this classic case of “liberal logic”, then you are obviously a racist too..!)
Now if one hundred liberals had loudly proclaimed that Schweitzer, a Nobel Prize Peace Prize winner, “never said such a thing” I would have rightfully ignored them due to the liberal urgency to grasp at the flimsiest straw that would seem to support racial equality whilst ignoring the strongest tree pointing in the opposite direction. Liberals are part liar, part fools, and part self-deceivers, but mostly they are intellectually dishonest LIARS..!
However, once a single “race-realist” (ie, an intellectually honest person) sincerely questions the veracity of the passage, then I really have to think again. Also the more I thought about this "quote" the more I began to get suspicious, esp as there was no chapter/page reference. It is very important that us RR's dont publish untruths - that is the trademark of the lying liberal.
“Young people – don’t be in awe of past generations of white men – firstly they are dead, so they cannot have been as great as they have been portrayed, and secondly you can safely ignore much of what they said because most of them were odious racists”.
For example, here are a couple of quotes from 2 famous American “liberals”
(uh-oh, I can’t vouch for their accuracy either, but they do ring truthful for their times)
Inscribed on the Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC in reference to Negro slaves:
"Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate, than that these people are to be free.”
Thomas Jefferson's actual words:
"Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate, than that these people are to be free; nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them."
Abraham Lincoln to a group of Negro community leaders on August 14th of 1862:
"Why should the people of your race be colonized, and where? Why should they leave this country? This is, perhaps, the first question for proper consideration. You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated."
Therefore, it came as no great surprise to find that Albert Schweitzer held “racist” opinions about blacks, especially so since he lived amongst them for 50 years. That is to say he didn’t believe the prevailing orthodoxy - the Marxist misinformation that “all races are inherently equal”, and that if some APPEAR not to be equal it is only because they haven’t been educated”. In other words, its whiteys fault AS USUAL of course, as it is our responsibility to educate them isn’t it? (If, like me, you can immediately spot the flagrant flaw within this classic case of “liberal logic”, then you are obviously a racist too..!)
Now if one hundred liberals had loudly proclaimed that Schweitzer, a Nobel Prize Peace Prize winner, “never said such a thing” I would have rightfully ignored them due to the liberal urgency to grasp at the flimsiest straw that would seem to support racial equality whilst ignoring the strongest tree pointing in the opposite direction. Liberals are part liar, part fools, and part self-deceivers, but mostly they are intellectually dishonest LIARS..!
However, once a single “race-realist” (ie, an intellectually honest person) sincerely questions the veracity of the passage, then I really have to think again. Also the more I thought about this "quote" the more I began to get suspicious, esp as there was no chapter/page reference. It is very important that us RR's dont publish untruths - that is the trademark of the lying liberal.
A bit of internet searching didn’t throw any new light on the matter, so it necessitated a trip to my local library, which in my case is the South African Library in the Company Gardens. The first surprise - given it supposedly contained the heretical passage - was that they had the book at all. But they have both the original German version and the 1938 English translation (by Mrs C.E.B.Russell) .
As the title suggests, “African Notebook” is rather a short book, of about 132 pages, and doesn’t appear to have any controversial content aside from a short chapter (p.48-56) entitled “differences between white and black people". (Today, to even suggest there are ANY differences aside from skin colour would be considered controversial, as we all now know there are NO differences, don’t we?) But even this potentially scandalous chapter doesn’t say anything negative about Africans – on the contrary - rather like a “progressive” white apologist, Schweitzer is at pains to focus on a few common traits wherein (given a bit of liberal embellishMUNT) Africans could in some trivial ways considered to be BETTER than whites..!
With the benefit of hindsight it was suspicious that a specific chapter or page was never mentioned, only the name of the book. Also, in 1950, the Useless Nations (in a foretaste of the lunacy for which it was to become known) solemnly declared that all humans were equal.
All in all, it would have been surprising for him to have won a Nobel Prize AFTER saying such things, even back in 1951.
Of course, this does not mean that Schweitzer NEVER expressed these words, but if he did then I am now quite sure it was not in a mainstream publication – more likely it was in an interview (or letter) to an obscure European magazine and most probably not long before his death at the age of 90 in 1965. Old people are inclined to speak their mind – it is perhaps the only advantage bestowed by old age. Besides which, it is apparently acknowledged even amongst liberals that Schweitzer did have some racist traits – he would not sit at the same dining table as Africans, for example, and this dovetails rather closely with some of what he purportedly said in the heretical passage.
The bottom line is, it doesn’t really matter whether he said it or not, because anyone who knows the African mentality well, knows the sentiments expressed are 100% accurate.
With the benefit of hindsight it was suspicious that a specific chapter or page was never mentioned, only the name of the book. Also, in 1950, the Useless Nations (in a foretaste of the lunacy for which it was to become known) solemnly declared that all humans were equal.
All in all, it would have been surprising for him to have won a Nobel Prize AFTER saying such things, even back in 1951.
Of course, this does not mean that Schweitzer NEVER expressed these words, but if he did then I am now quite sure it was not in a mainstream publication – more likely it was in an interview (or letter) to an obscure European magazine and most probably not long before his death at the age of 90 in 1965. Old people are inclined to speak their mind – it is perhaps the only advantage bestowed by old age. Besides which, it is apparently acknowledged even amongst liberals that Schweitzer did have some racist traits – he would not sit at the same dining table as Africans, for example, and this dovetails rather closely with some of what he purportedly said in the heretical passage.
The bottom line is, it doesn’t really matter whether he said it or not, because anyone who knows the African mentality well, knows the sentiments expressed are 100% accurate.
When are all the STUPID WHITE LIBERALS going to Apologize to the Whites in South Africa?????
Let’s face it the STUPID WHITE LIBERALS World Wide made a Monumental Fuckup.
The STUPID WHITE LIBERALS World Wide has lots of Blood on their hands.
Thousands of Whites and White Farmers MURDERED by ANC BLACK THUGS.
What are YOU all doing about it?????
YOU have the Most Powerful tool in the world E-MAIL.
The Pen is Mightier than the Sword.
E-Mail is the MOST POWERFUL TOOL in the World.
What more evidence does the PC bleeding heart liberals need to see that their ideology is a total fuck up?
So who is the real enemy????
The greatest threat to the White Race is WHITE ELITISTS!!!
The STUPID WHITE LIBERALS World Wide giving money to the Blacks.
Ha ha... so damn right man! BTW I owe you a photo, Bantu Ed - remember our get together afore departure upon the The Big Steel Bird? Pop us an e-mail @ my blog and I'll send (and NOT publish) - this comment, from my lady friend's PC in Finland. Be well buddy, M.
I read on a comment thread at detroitiscrap.com that Albert Sweitzer's quote appeared in the German edition at the very end of the text as a warning to the world. The poster also said that it was not translated into the English edition.
Here is the comment thread if you want to scroll down and look:
I had a good look at the thread you mentioned (good racist site, btw, must go there more often).
After I originally posted Schweitzer's alleged quote, Mike Smith (aka Uncle Cracker) pointed out that the quote was only in the original 1939 edition. Well I have established beyond reasonable doubt that it is not there.
Someone else posted on Stormfront that he'd found the quote in another Schweitzer book called "Africa - Wisdom of a Lifetime" - as usual no page or chapter number. This poster also said the book was "banned in the USA". Well, guess what? This book doesn't even exist as far as I can tell.
Now we have someone else saying its in the German edition but not the English..?!
Hmmm, I would like to believe it but, on the balance of probabilities I think its just another false lead.
As I said, I think that if he did say it, it was later in life (rather than earlier) after he had made his reputation, and probably shortly before his death. And almost certainly not in a mainstream publication - otherwise there would be no doubt.
I sent your quotes from Jefferson and Lincoln to Lawrence Auster. He confirmed that they are entirely correct.
His word is good enough for me.
I haven't been to the Irish Savants blog in some time however, as I recall he did look at some of AS writtings in the German editions and cleared up some ambiguities...
@sir henry morgan,
Did you also ask LA about the Schweitzer quote? Does he think its a complete fabrication and if not, when and where did AS say it?
@happy talk,
The Irish Savant did write about this back in Feb, but once again nobody is able to say when and where AS said this. As I have said, it almost certainly was not in the English transation of African Notebook and the possibility it might have been in the original German version I find very hard to believe. If it was someone by now would have given chapter and page number.
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