There once was (and in a way still is) a liberal side to me and (dont ask me why now) like many whites I often thought about the problem of Africa and how we could "help" the blacks. Of course I never approved of food handouts, foreign aid, and other freebies, and most certainly never wanted to adopt any nigglets, but rather through ideas.
Specifically I naively thought that the Israeli Kibbutz system could (or should) be adopted in Africa. After all, before whitey arrived and "destroyed their culture" by spitefully creating cities and industries to which they were "forced" to migrate and look for “wek”, they apparently lived an idyllic communal lifestyle in which reigned a harmonious spirit of co-operation and communal sharing (or "ubuntu").
That was in my pre-SA days before I understood blacks and their "culture" better. In reality their much-trumpeted "ubuntu" is a modern myth and their idyllic rural "economy" was largely based on wholesale pillage (often accompanied by slaughter) of their weaker neighbours’ wealth (ie, chiefly cattle and women).
I have come to realize that because the Kibbutz system involves a high degree of conscientiousness, commitment, co-operation, hard graft, and trust, it would never work with Africans…..unless the whole project were to be supervised by white overseers with strict disciplinary powers.
I sometimes wonder what God’s purpose was in creating such a useless parasitic race, unless it was to torment whites and perhaps make us stronger? However, this assumes that God is ultimately good whereas someone I know who has suffered repeatedly at their hands believes them to be “Satans People”.
So perhaps the existence of blacks (and Muslims) is compelling evidence for this realm being created by an evil God (aka Satan) as was believed by the Gnostics and Cathars…? Just something spiritual to think about this weekend.
Specifically I naively thought that the Israeli Kibbutz system could (or should) be adopted in Africa. After all, before whitey arrived and "destroyed their culture" by spitefully creating cities and industries to which they were "forced" to migrate and look for “wek”, they apparently lived an idyllic communal lifestyle in which reigned a harmonious spirit of co-operation and communal sharing (or "ubuntu").
That was in my pre-SA days before I understood blacks and their "culture" better. In reality their much-trumpeted "ubuntu" is a modern myth and their idyllic rural "economy" was largely based on wholesale pillage (often accompanied by slaughter) of their weaker neighbours’ wealth (ie, chiefly cattle and women).
I have come to realize that because the Kibbutz system involves a high degree of conscientiousness, commitment, co-operation, hard graft, and trust, it would never work with Africans…..unless the whole project were to be supervised by white overseers with strict disciplinary powers.
I sometimes wonder what God’s purpose was in creating such a useless parasitic race, unless it was to torment whites and perhaps make us stronger? However, this assumes that God is ultimately good whereas someone I know who has suffered repeatedly at their hands believes them to be “Satans People”.
So perhaps the existence of blacks (and Muslims) is compelling evidence for this realm being created by an evil God (aka Satan) as was believed by the Gnostics and Cathars…? Just something spiritual to think about this weekend.
Yep the evil creator god as opposed the real god who are outside this realm..Yeah I also think this is the only thing that makes any kind of sense.
Mm so do you also believe in reincarnation? To me the two goes hand in hand. Gnosticism and reincarnation. Did you know at the council of nicene reincarnation was declared heresy, which to me seems to imply that the first christians did believe in it as well. There are also many bible verses that seems to me to refer to it.
Well I guess your blog isnt really the place to discuss this, but if you would like to my e-mail is I've never met anyone before who even knows what gnosticism or catharism IS.. let alone be able to discuss it.
Forget it. I was once on a visit to Israel on a kibbutz when I was told that an "African chief" was to visit that same day. Out of a car came this hulking figure of Lennox Sebe and he spent about 1½ hours hearing the virtues of cooperative engagement, sharing and common responsibility. He didn't utter a word as his chaperones did all the talking. As he was leaving he looked towards the dairy where there were some 400 head of cattle and said "Who owns the cows?" - I gues he just didn't get it.
You have it all wrong: there is no god, but there is most certainly a devil.
afisul e in romana si maghiara. stii romaneste? ma intereseaza ft mult africa de sud, de vreo 2 luni citesc ca disperatul tot ce gasesc. poti sa ma contactezi pe
You're correct, kibbutzes won't work in AZ when the kaffirs will do next to nothing then grab all the goods. The idyllic pre-civ days are mainly a fantasy of civilized people.
Here we find evidence that God didn't create all humans.Instead, some gods tampered with the genes of Adam & Eve in order to get the ability of pro creation in their creatures which was a mixture of the gods and the homo erectus. In the bible we find that God put enmity between the seed of the devil and the seed of Eve.In the sumerian texts people believe that the annunaki were God.They were the outcasts and according to the texts they tried to create slaves to work in their gold mines.These homo erectus creatures didn't have the ability to pro create.The decision then was to get that ability from another specie called the Adama , without the permission of the adama's God.We all know the half truth of the Adama's expulsion from EDEN.
Eventually, Enki and Ninki were able to modify the genetic structure of the Lulu in order for it to be able to produce itself. Yea! They thus created the “Adama”.
Significantly, they did so without Enlil’s knowledge or approval! (Enki and Enlil did not really get along, a conflict stretching over eons.)
Once the interbreeding began to show some significant results, several Lulus were taken to Mesopotamia to work in agriculture (in Enlil’s backyard, so to speak). There, they aided the Anunnaki efforts to raise food for themselves and their new workers. According to the Sumerian texts, Enlil created an E.DIN, a special place where new strains of edible crops could be developed and later implemented. Lulus were placed inside Edin, but without Enlil having learned of the Lulu’s recently acquired talent for procreation.
I take it you´re a disciple of Zacharia Sitchin..?
.....and in my most humle uneducated opinion....
In the begining was (in this time frame) Earth. Which was stumbled upon by us. On it were species of hominoids. We settled in the far off reaches, so that we did not interfere with the evolutionary process.
We got bored, procreated and had to expand... we came south. Europe was the first stop.
England the second. People needed to be controlled, as there mixing with the local rabble threw lifes plans off course. Gangs and wars didn't really control it, as we can become accustommed to physical hardship - BANG - religion was born in its most basic form to enforce control through mental means. The thought of an unknown quantity - G.
This bled out, and as people seek through curiosity, and idea came up - look for THE way to ensure forgiveness to the unknown. And further it went, changing into multiple different styles - based on a single theme.
Thus leading us back to where - today!!
There are those that can, and those that can't, and those that won't.
Some build, some maintain, some break.
Some prosper, some survive, some steal.
Some speak and educate, some speak some placate, so subvert by winging and blaming.
Some seek knowledge, some abide by knowledge, some just don't know where the f*ck they are.
..and so I go forward, to continue to NOT being biased by colour, height, sex, stance, hairstyle, language, but by being the best snob I can be, and not tolerating a lower form of life...
a-everyone (amen in some culchus)
Still love this blog!!!
It used to be commonly believed that Negroes had the Curse of Ham upon them, which explained both their darkness and savagery.
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