(K)AffirNative Action is a malignantly evil form of racism that intrinsically amounts to an extended form of NEPOTISM or inter-tribal favouritism. It is innately evil and thoroughly corrupt to its foundations.
Even where it benefits a minority (as was the original intention in the USA) once the AA Genie has been let out of the bottle it can never be put back in without a racial civil war against the beneficiaries.
In Arsezania, where it benefits the ruling majority tribe, there will NEVER be a sunset clause for the very simple reason that, in virtually every important sphere of life, whites are magnitudes more capable than blacks, who tend to be lazy, sullen, envious, rude, unreliable, un-cooperative, strike-prone, and larcenous. Not to mention, although I will, congenitally STUPID…!
For the sake of argument, lets imagine that the Afro-Nazi Criminal guvMUNT were to announce that from (say) 2014 there would be no more AA and, from that date on, all govt departments would have to completely ignore race and hire solely on the basis of ability. Further suspending reality, we will also have to pretend that the personnel hirers (all AA appointees) would co-operate with the new directive and suspend their innate racial bias. (All this also pre-supposes that when “ability-day” dawns there will still be a “significant” white minority).
Assuming all these improbable caveats are met, the incoming (mostly white) non-affirmatives would be so appalled by the laziness, incompetence, arrogance, and corruption of the entrenched black AA employees that (even without the racial divide) the 2 groups would immediately be at daggers drawn, with the “affirmatives” constantly trying to frustrate and sabotage the incomers attempts at introducing efficiency, integrity, and diligence to the workplace. By then the system would be thoroughly rotten from top to bottom, the merit employees would find themselves completely unable to do their job properly.
I’m sure anyone who thinks about it would realize that, as long as South Africa has a significant white population, there is absolutely no possibility that a black govt would, or even COULD, bring an end to blatant racial bias in hiring (AA).
The only possibility of AA being repealed would be if 95% of the whites were to conveniently disappear from the scene. Such a dramatic decline in the white population wont happen through emigration alone.
Even where it benefits a minority (as was the original intention in the USA) once the AA Genie has been let out of the bottle it can never be put back in without a racial civil war against the beneficiaries.
In Arsezania, where it benefits the ruling majority tribe, there will NEVER be a sunset clause for the very simple reason that, in virtually every important sphere of life, whites are magnitudes more capable than blacks, who tend to be lazy, sullen, envious, rude, unreliable, un-cooperative, strike-prone, and larcenous. Not to mention, although I will, congenitally STUPID…!
For the sake of argument, lets imagine that the Afro-Nazi Criminal guvMUNT were to announce that from (say) 2014 there would be no more AA and, from that date on, all govt departments would have to completely ignore race and hire solely on the basis of ability. Further suspending reality, we will also have to pretend that the personnel hirers (all AA appointees) would co-operate with the new directive and suspend their innate racial bias. (All this also pre-supposes that when “ability-day” dawns there will still be a “significant” white minority).
Assuming all these improbable caveats are met, the incoming (mostly white) non-affirmatives would be so appalled by the laziness, incompetence, arrogance, and corruption of the entrenched black AA employees that (even without the racial divide) the 2 groups would immediately be at daggers drawn, with the “affirmatives” constantly trying to frustrate and sabotage the incomers attempts at introducing efficiency, integrity, and diligence to the workplace. By then the system would be thoroughly rotten from top to bottom, the merit employees would find themselves completely unable to do their job properly.
I’m sure anyone who thinks about it would realize that, as long as South Africa has a significant white population, there is absolutely no possibility that a black govt would, or even COULD, bring an end to blatant racial bias in hiring (AA).
The only possibility of AA being repealed would be if 95% of the whites were to conveniently disappear from the scene. Such a dramatic decline in the white population wont happen through emigration alone.
BEE/AA is here to stay.
I would be afraid as a whitey in Apezania.
Come to think of it, AA is almost everywhere....sigh!
Naye naye naye! On the contrary fellahs! This means OPEN GATES for us!
"Such a dramatic decline in the white population wont happen through emigration alone"
Oi!!! Don't give them any more ideas. They doing well enough for you to go and excite them even further (sic).:)
Wow. That's a lot of racism. Way to make us Caucasians look like idiots.
Why dont you address the issues that I raised..? Worrying about "racism" and what blacks might think about "us Caucasians" makes you look shallow Candace.
This is going to be my last message to you......I think :) um I'm suposed to be doing my homework. Ihave four major things to do = two long tsts and two essay's instead of doing that I went out today and gave clothes to the poor at Dorthy's kitchen, prayed with my sister for 30 minutes calling and worshipping God, and then I went to buy a purity ring an oath to wait until marrige before having sex. When I was on the net I found your article I wa supposed to be doing homework and stufying but i counting I've spent like two hours typing and reading your article that almost caused me to cry. Well to conclude this you've probably guessed I am a female, because I am! :D God made you special and he loves you very much. I pray for the world before I go to bed at night, and I want to pray for you too. We all have to share this world, loving people really makes them shine in ways we can't imagine. Well....love you and have a blessed life.
I appreciate you taking the time to write all those many heartfelt comments ashley. But next time you come on my blog please stick to the topic, and try challeging my facts without resorting to pseudo-religious hysteria.
I deduce that you are a black (or coloured?) schoolgirl, although you didn´t make that totally clear?
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