Specifically I naively thought that the Israeli Kibbutz system could (or should) be adopted in Africa. After all, before whitey arrived and "destroyed their culture" by spitefully creating cities and industries to which they were "forced" to migrate and look for “wek”, they apparently lived an idyllic communal lifestyle in which reigned a harmonious spirit of co-operation and communal sharing (or "ubuntu").
That was in my pre-SA days before I understood blacks and their "culture" better. In reality their much-trumpeted "ubuntu" is a modern myth and their idyllic rural "economy" was largely based on wholesale pillage (often accompanied by slaughter) of their weaker neighbours’ wealth (ie, chiefly cattle and women).
I have come to realize that because the Kibbutz system involves a high degree of conscientiousness, commitment, co-operation, hard graft, and trust, it would never work with Africans…..unless the whole project were to be supervised by white overseers with strict disciplinary powers.
I sometimes wonder what God’s purpose was in creating such a useless parasitic race, unless it was to torment whites and perhaps make us stronger? However, this assumes that God is ultimately good whereas someone I know who has suffered repeatedly at their hands believes them to be “Satans People”.
So perhaps the existence of blacks (and Muslims) is compelling evidence for this realm being created by an evil God (aka Satan) as was believed by the Gnostics and Cathars…? Just something spiritual to think about this weekend.