"Here is Wisdom..."[Revelations 13:18]

  • "Trying to reason with someone who has renounced the use of reason, is like administering medicine to a dead man." Thomas Paine
  • The two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government.Nature, habit, opinion have drawn indelible lines of distinction between them. Thomas Jefferson
  • The Further a Society drifts from the Truth, the more it will HATE those who speak the TRUTH..! G.Orwell
  • Truth is Treason in an Empire of Lies
  • "It is useless to try and reason someone out of an opinion he was NEVER REASONED INTO in the first place" - Jonathan Swift/Mark Twain/others
  • "Diversity is a strength" is a malicious lie with the intention of flooding white countries by a stealth invasion of "vibrant" 3rd world "cultural enrichers", with the intention of de-stabilising and eventually destroying those successful nations through miscegenation
  • “When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” Socrates
  • We are repeatedly told that "Diversity is a strength" - but this is only true for POC and 3rd world stealth invaders who want to destroy the West by genociding white people
  • Attempting to educate Bantus (average IQ=67) is as pointless as A SNOOZE BUTTON ON A FIRE ALARM..!
  • "You cannot reason someone out of an opinion they didn't reason themselves into in the first place" G.Orwell
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  • Everything that has happened to S.African whites since the end of Apartheid has served to fully justify the reason for having implemented Apartheid in the first place.
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  • "Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666)" Revelations
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  • Mandela's prisoner number was 46664 - the "Number of the Beast" flanked by two 4's (in Chinese lore, number 4 is the death number) - co-incidence?
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  • In "IQ and the Wealth of Nations" Prof Richard Lynn estimated the average IQ of Black Africans to be between 66 and 67, quite possibly 66.6..?
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  • “African societies are like a football team in which one player will not pass the ball to another out of fear that the latter might score a goal." Daniel Etounga-Manguelle (Cameroonian scholar)
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  • "The destruction of white civilisation is the inmost desire of that league of designated victims known as 'minorities'". Joseph Sobran (1946-2010)
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  • the moral and cultural inferiority of blacks and browns is so obvious that whites feel the need to blame themselves for their lack of achievement order to maintain the illusion - the BIG LIE - of innate racial equality
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  • "I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about the social and political equality of the white and black races...I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people ... I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race" Abraham Lincoln 1858
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  • Blacks want to be perpetual victims of "White racism", as all their political power has come from being “VICTIMS”
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  • “It is nowadays considered a display of one´s sophistication for whites to fawn over and patronize mediocre non-white cultures and exaggerate their trivial achievements. The truth is that whites are embarrassed by the extent of their accomplishments so they are taught to be modest about their own race whilst elevating the “achievements” of non-whites and pretending that their cultures are not only the equal of ours but somehow more righteous”
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  • "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his career and his salary depends upon his not wanting to understanding it."
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  • Leftists claim to love diversity, so why do they hate diversity of thought..?
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  • “There are three classes of people: Those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not want to see.” - Leonardo Da Vinci
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  • Truth is considered hate-speech by those who hate to speak the truth
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  • “The negroes......have received from Nature no intelligence that rises above the foolish. The difference between the two races......appears to be just as great in respect of the faculties of the mind as in color.” – Immanuel Kant – 1764.
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  • Some ideas are so incredibly daft that only highly intelligent people can delude themselves into believing them. (George Orwell). The idea that racial diversity is a strength for a nation is surely the definitive example of this bizarre intellectual pseudo philosophising.
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  • Society is a racial construct. Racism is a social construct.
  • Martin Luther King said whites should judge blacks BY THE CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER and not by the colour of their skins. And I entirely agree with him..!!!
  • The 100% restaurant discount and NO TIP is a speciality of the SBG (sophisticated black gentleman)
  • "Once blacks take power, they do not want to live with a minority whose success highlights their own failure." Jared Taylor (Amren)
  • A mixture of 10% shit and 90% ice-cream improves the flavour of shit whilst completely ruining the ice-cream, and making shit palatable is essentially what multi-culturalism is all about..!
  • "There is only one good, KNOWLEDGE; and one evil, IGNORANCE" - Socrates
  • The white race is smart enough to create the most just and prosperous societies the world has ever known, but stupid enough to think that other races can do the same.
  • "It’s incredible that any white sends aid to Africa when Africans are anti-white racists" Mfonobong Nsehe (Kenyan journalist)
  • "INTEGRITY is the first fundamental of prosperity" But almost anyone who has worked with Africans for any length of time knows that integrity is virtually non-existent amongst them, and this is why the idea of a prosperous and civilised black society is impossible
  • “The most costly of all follies is to believe passionately in the obviously untrue” - HL Mencken
  • If you’re not a liberal at 20 you have NO HEART - if you’re still a liberal at 30 you have NO HEAD.!
  • "When I am the weaker, I ask you for my freedom, because compassion is the white man's principle. But when I am the stronger, I take away your freedom, because tyranny is the black mans principle"
  • the degree of sympathy whites feel for blacks is in inverse proportion to their experience with them.
  • “Idealism increases in direct proportion to ones distance from the problem” - John Galsworthy
  • “The worst form of INEQUALITY is to try to make unequal things equal” (Aristotle) Making unequal people equal is essentially what we are doing with "one man one vote".
  • Educating low IQ people - especially negroes - is a shameful waste of resources. It doesn´t make them intelligent but simply enables them to be perceived to be intelligent. If or when such people gain power the first thing they do is to eliminate the genuinely intelligent, who they know are a threat to their unjustifiably elevated positions.
  • "South Africa is a not a nation of 80% blacks with 20% whites, but one of 20% whites with 80% blacks" - "Camp of the Saints" (1972) by Jean Raspail. SA now has less than 10% whites and 90% blacks, but this truth still applies.
  • "AFFIRMATIVE ACTION" in a NUTSHELL... A person with genuine qualifications doesn’t need AA....Therefore, those who demand AA are obviously NOT QUALIFIED..! To offer AA to a GENUINELY QUALIFIED applicant would be an insult to his ability and integrity. Acceptance of AA is therefore an admission of FAILURE and INFERIORITY..! AA is thus for LOSERS only..!”
  • "…the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them". Thomas Jefferson: Autobiography.
  • "... the lofty idea of `the war on racism' has become a hideously false ideology, where "anti-racism" will be for the 21st century what communism was for the 20th...a source of violence." Alain Finkelkraut (French philosopher)
  • Blacks have long since learned how to manipulate the white man by exploiting his compassionate nature and his sense of fair play, whilst having absolutely no intention of practicing the same virtues in return.
  • “CIVILISATION" (from the Latin 'civis') pertains to people who create cities and are well-adjusted to city life. Besides being totally incapable of creating livable cities or behaving in a “civilized” fashion, whenever blacks occupy human-built cities they predictably destroy them with their malignant presence. They are therefore the antithesis of “civilized”.
  • “If your skin is black you can be forgiven for anything.” Ian Douglas Smith (PM of Rhodesia 1964-79) He said this after black Zambian "soldiers" had shot dead 3 white tourists at the Victoria Falls. A young girl hid behind a rock for 20 minutes, when she thought it was safe she came out and was shot dead. The "international community" made excuses for the blacks.
  • IVORY COAST - When once asked by a reporter "how many whites do you have?", Francophone black President Houphouet-Boigny proudly replied - "I have 40,000 now and I hope to have 80,000 in a few years time”. Under HP's enlightened rule, the economic success of Cote D'Ivoire was widely touted by naively optimistic Western liberals as "self-evident proof that Black-ruled countries could be successful". After HB's death in 1993 "his whites" saw the writing on the wall and began leaving in droves, whereupon Cote D'Ivoire soon disintegrated into chaos.
  • “Men and women are 99.99 percent identical genetically but no one suggests that men and women are identical”.
  • "The outcome of elections is not decided by the voters, but by those who count the votes" Josef Stalin
  • A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul (GB Shaw)
  • “Africans like to think that all white men carry a sack of money to distribute amongst them” - My Ghanaian friend, Lomo Togo (1991)
  • "You're not a racist like most whites" – Thomas, a black student I befriended - Malabo, Equatorial Guinea 1991. Needless to say, this was BEFORE I arrived in South Africa..!
  • "...sullen peoples - HALF DEVIL and HALF CHILD” Rudyard Kipling's highly observant remark perfectly explains why blacks commit such barabaric crimes and are so insanely destructive both to themselves and other races
  • "I have always observed that wherever you find the Negro, everything is going down around him, and wherever you find the white man, you see everything around him improving." —Robert E. Lee
  • “The Native mentality does not allow for a peaceful demonstration. For them to gather, means violence.” Lt. Colonel Pienaar at the commission of inquiry into the “Sharpeville Massacre”.
  • The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those that speak it. George Orwell
  • “There is nothing more painful to me than to walk down the street and hear footsteps behind me... then turn around and see a white person and feel relieved.” Je$$e Jack$coon
  • "A racist incident is one that is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person” Macpherson report
  • Women, especially, are afraid to hold an unfashionable opinion since they tend to socialise more.
  • "To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself." Theodore Dalrymple
  • It seems to be far preferable to invite the worst disaster imaginable than to be accused of "racism" “As I was checking him in, I thought to myself ‘If this guy doesn’t look like an Arab terrorist, then nobody does.’ Then I gave myself a mental slap because it’s not nice to think things like that." Michael Tuohey, US Airways ticket agent checking-in Muhammad Atta on 9/11
  • We are constantly surrendering to the most powerful word ever invented - "racism" - every time our invaders (and their facilitators amongst us) use it, instead of standing and fighting against this deliberately vague word - we run for cover and give up a bit more territory. Our reaction is like that of Dracula's to a crucifix..!
  • The notion of black rulers able to contain black pathologies is a tragic, mistaken belief that creates new innocent victims every day.
  • "If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear". George Orwell
  • "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act" G.Orwell

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

A Mindless Mantra

The mindless regurgitation of the equalitarian mantra that blacks are inherently as capable as whites is puzzling when the evidence to the contrary is so enormously overwhelming. So one has to ask why, in public if not in private, virtually 100% of white people pay lip service to this absurdity?

Of course we all know the answer to this seemingly incomprehensible paradox. It is the FEAR of being labelled a racist, a fear as dread as that of being labelled a heretic in an earlier period when truth was also no defence against the dogma of religious correctness.

With the benefit of hindsight, we know how invidious that fear was both for science and society. And we rightly consider that period to have been an era of darkness and tyranny in which countless "heretics" suffered cruelly at the hands of the inquisitors whose mission then (now) was to "root out heresy (racism) in all its forms, wherever and whenever it appears".

"Racism" - a new "deadly sin" concocted by the neo-marxist left barely 80 years ago - is "heresy" re-made for new uses, a tool with which to intimidate, suppress, and ultimately liquidate those who dissent from the prevailing political orthodoxy - "the innate equality of all mankind".

So on the side of darkness and ignorance are "racists" who question or deny the holy scriptures of the god of equality.

Against them are the forces of light and goodness, so-called "liberals" who heartily promote freedom of expression provided they endorse what is being expressed. The holy warriors for the cause are the "anti-racists" latter-day inquisitors - self-righteous thugs on their mission to "root out racism in all its forms wherever and whenever it appears".

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."

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