Liberals are not mystified when Comrade “Great African Liberator” Robber Mugarbage steals white farms, even though this meant destroying the very foundations of the Zimbabwe economy.
Liberals are not mystified when Comrade Chairboy Tarboii M’beggi feigns to engage in “quiet (ie, silent; ie, non-existent) diplomacy” when faced with such typicals act of African "enterprise" as stealing, extortion, and murdering.
So we have established that Liberals are not at all mystified when blacks terrorise, pauperise, and even murder whites, because (they smugly self-justify) such regrettable actions have “understandable” historical justifications.
Liberals are not mystified when Comrade Chairboy Tarboii M’beggi feigns to engage in “quiet (ie, silent; ie, non-existent) diplomacy” when faced with such typicals act of African "enterprise" as stealing, extortion, and murdering.
So we have established that Liberals are not at all mystified when blacks terrorise, pauperise, and even murder whites, because (they smugly self-justify) such regrettable actions have “understandable” historical justifications.
Cultural Note 1: notice how often liberals employ mawkish over-sentimentality - words like “understanding”, "concerned", and "regrettable" are among the most popular in the liberal lexicon of self-deceit.
BUT when, in his exalted duty of “getting rid of our colonialist legacy”, the demented despot Mugarbage destroys the livelihood of millions of blacks, liberals wring their guilt-wracked hands in agonized horror and claim to be "MYSTIFIED” as to why he would want to hurt “his own people”?
Cultural Note 2: the liberal mindset applies a double or even triple moral standard. Whites cannot be forgiven for mistreating blacks, whereas blacks can and are forgiven for everything, especially mistreating whites. In other words liberals admit (and EXPECT) blacks readily (and naturally) discriminate against whites in favour of their fellow blacks, which amounts to a subliminal acknowledgment that blacks are natural-born racists..!
What liberals fail to understand, and will never admit, is that negroids are a PSYCOPATHIC sub-species and the human qualities of empathy and altruism (which are most developed in the white race) are either very weak or non-existent in most of these vile creatures.
Blacks as Jekyll and Hyde Creatures.
BUT when, in his exalted duty of “getting rid of our colonialist legacy”, the demented despot Mugarbage destroys the livelihood of millions of blacks, liberals wring their guilt-wracked hands in agonized horror and claim to be "MYSTIFIED” as to why he would want to hurt “his own people”?
Cultural Note 2: the liberal mindset applies a double or even triple moral standard. Whites cannot be forgiven for mistreating blacks, whereas blacks can and are forgiven for everything, especially mistreating whites. In other words liberals admit (and EXPECT) blacks readily (and naturally) discriminate against whites in favour of their fellow blacks, which amounts to a subliminal acknowledgment that blacks are natural-born racists..!
What liberals fail to understand, and will never admit, is that negroids are a PSYCOPATHIC sub-species and the human qualities of empathy and altruism (which are most developed in the white race) are either very weak or non-existent in most of these vile creatures.
Blacks as Jekyll and Hyde Creatures.
When negroids are in their natural subservient position they are typically smilingly obediant and jolly, which of course endears them to us. Other times they can be obsequious to the point of grovelling, which tends to embarass us. But when given even a small degree of power they quickly develop an "attitude". They lose their smile and become surly, arrogant, and bullying. When they are given great power they become totally demented devils who simply DONT CARE about anyone except themselves and their inner circles, with whom they share a symbiotic need to keep each other in power.
It should be clear to any level-headed INTELLECTUALLY HONEST person that blacks are very different from whites - and we are not talking about physical appearance, but social behaviour. It should also be obvious - given their glaring lack of any useful contribution to civilisation - that they are a very INFERIOR race. However, most whites are so riddled with "equality" nonsense and the guilt this engenders (because it must be whitey's fault that blacks are clearly not "equal"), that they are repelled by the very notion of "inferiority" in respect of race, although they will routinely use it to apply to almost anything else.
It should be clear to any level-headed INTELLECTUALLY HONEST person that blacks are very different from whites - and we are not talking about physical appearance, but social behaviour. It should also be obvious - given their glaring lack of any useful contribution to civilisation - that they are a very INFERIOR race. However, most whites are so riddled with "equality" nonsense and the guilt this engenders (because it must be whitey's fault that blacks are clearly not "equal"), that they are repelled by the very notion of "inferiority" in respect of race, although they will routinely use it to apply to almost anything else.
DIRE - The Doctrine of Innate Racial Equality
It is the insidious neo-marxist DIRE propaganda that has infected these liberals and, unless it is totally rejected as the falsehood it clearly is, will surely end in the self-destruction of the white race.
Communism may have lost the cold war but marxist theory lives on and flourishes in all our government-funded educational institutions, which have become breeding grounds for these internal enemies and race traitors (aka white "liberals").
Ultimately it is not blacks and muslims - evil as they are, but both of whom we can defeat easily in a fair fight - but the entire post-WW2 liberal "education" system we are fighting against.
Communism may have lost the cold war but marxist theory lives on and flourishes in all our government-funded educational institutions, which have become breeding grounds for these internal enemies and race traitors (aka white "liberals").
Ultimately it is not blacks and muslims - evil as they are, but both of whom we can defeat easily in a fair fight - but the entire post-WW2 liberal "education" system we are fighting against.
Real live killing & burning of blacks in South Africa:
Download this video:
real African lynch
and please post it on this website.
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We urge all the readers to download this video. It is proof of the crime and genocide committed in the name of Nelson Mandela and the ANC.
Bantu Education , what happened to that uhuru BURU.
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