On the SAS blog someone wrote a story about a Transkei school that is much in demand by the local better-off blacks for its top academic results, as most of its teaching staff is white.
This reminded me of what Gedahlia Braun said in “Racism, Guilt, and Self-Deceit” – now an e-book available from AfricanCrisis. He claimed that ordinary blacks fear black rule because they know from their own experience that, even under apartheid, whenever some blacks got power – eg, as police – they become corrupt and arrogant, tyrants and bullies. He said you can test his theory by asking your domestic/gardener if they would prefer white teachers for their kids, white doctors, etc. And after they have answered “yes” to white everything, you then ask them “so why do you vote for a black government?”
After reading this I did the test on a black employee and, sure enough, she agreed on all points until, when it came to my suggestion that she should vote DA, she simply said “I won’t vote next time..!” So the idea of actually voting for a white party was a bridge too far – probably because she would have been in dread fear of discovery via the tokolosh in the polling booth.
So, due to rampant Kaffirmative Ekshun, Kaffirmative Procuration, EmployMUNT Equity, and BEE (Black EnrichMUNT by Extortion) we now have a new breed of blacks who have suddenly accumulated wealth beyond their wildest dreams and totally disproportionate to their skills or ability, or rather lack of. After white liberals (a fast disappearing species) these Kaffirmatised blacks are the biggest threat to SA whites, because they owe everything to the ANC and they know it, and they have the most to lose from a white resurgence.
These black (fake) diamonds resent whites remaining in SA because we are a daily reminder of their own inferiority and they are well aware that one of us, not them, should be driving their luxury car to their overpaid unearned executive position where they depend totally on subordinate whites to do all the real work.
Even when his victims are oblivious to his identity, a criminal feels very uncomfortable in their presence lest he be discovered. And they know that if they do not get rid of us, then one day the country will revert to its founders and rightful masters. But can the self-deluded liberal Mandelatopians see this coming?
Despite all of this, I am willing to wager good money on the following speculation…..
At least 90% of the black so-called “elite”, the black so-called “diamonds” prefer….
Their teachers to be white
Their doctors to be white
Their dentists to be white
Their surgeons to be white
Their computer technicians to be white
Their lawyers to be white
Their private detectives to be white
Their accountants to be white
Their airplane pilots to be white
Their helicopter pilots to be white
Their bankers and money-managers to be white
Their stock-brokers to be white
Their architects to be white
Their engineers to be white
Their most important employees to be white
Their doctors to be white
Their dentists to be white
Their surgeons to be white
Their computer technicians to be white
Their lawyers to be white
Their private detectives to be white
Their accountants to be white
Their airplane pilots to be white
Their helicopter pilots to be white
Their bankers and money-managers to be white
Their stock-brokers to be white
Their architects to be white
Their engineers to be white
Their most important employees to be white
From this list one thing stands out clearly –
wherever BRAINS and FINANCIAL TRUST, are crucially important….
for some reason they prefer a BLACK GOVERNMUNT..!
Are they admitting that a black government has no need of either BRAINS or TRUST..?
Am I the only one to have noticed this coontradiction?