Here’s something to ponder on…
At the time Chris Hani was killed 3 brainwashed in kumbaya young white guys had taken to visiting a shebeen in the Lwandle squatter camp (nr Strand) and naively thought they were all “matey” with their black bruthas - well after the black cunt was killed they went to commiserate with their ape “friends” over a beer with predictably horrific results. One had his tongue cut out, maybe other choice parts, another was burned, and I think the 3rd might have escaped with the help of a brave African woman. (if true she probably got killed herself later)
In the wake of Hani's killing it is possible that dozens of whites were killed by “mourners” and roaming bands of savages out for revenge. And this was pre 1994 when whites still had control of police, etc.
Imagine if something similar were to happen today. Some fed-up and or crazed whitey - perhaps after having seen his family killed - goes berserk and kills Zuma or Mbeki or any of those evil fuckers….or just a bunch of random worthless simian shitskins.
Suppose hundreds of baboons are stirred up by the rabble rousers and invade a particularly vulnerable white suburb or school or shopping centre and start killing every white in sight? Would the simian police FARCE try to protect the whites? Fuck no, they would either disappear or join in the fucking slaughter themselves. And it only has to happen once for it to be repeated over and again, once the savages realise that whites can be killed with total impunity.
Anyone who truly understands the reality of Apezanian tyranny knows that this scenario is not simply a theoretical possibility, but a probability. It is not a question of IF, but WHEN..!
Within a few years only the W.Cape will be relatively safe….and then….
At the time Chris Hani was killed 3 brainwashed in kumbaya young white guys had taken to visiting a shebeen in the Lwandle squatter camp (nr Strand) and naively thought they were all “matey” with their black bruthas - well after the black cunt was killed they went to commiserate with their ape “friends” over a beer with predictably horrific results. One had his tongue cut out, maybe other choice parts, another was burned, and I think the 3rd might have escaped with the help of a brave African woman. (if true she probably got killed herself later)
In the wake of Hani's killing it is possible that dozens of whites were killed by “mourners” and roaming bands of savages out for revenge. And this was pre 1994 when whites still had control of police, etc.
Imagine if something similar were to happen today. Some fed-up and or crazed whitey - perhaps after having seen his family killed - goes berserk and kills Zuma or Mbeki or any of those evil fuckers….or just a bunch of random worthless simian shitskins.
Suppose hundreds of baboons are stirred up by the rabble rousers and invade a particularly vulnerable white suburb or school or shopping centre and start killing every white in sight? Would the simian police FARCE try to protect the whites? Fuck no, they would either disappear or join in the fucking slaughter themselves. And it only has to happen once for it to be repeated over and again, once the savages realise that whites can be killed with total impunity.
Anyone who truly understands the reality of Apezanian tyranny knows that this scenario is not simply a theoretical possibility, but a probability. It is not a question of IF, but WHEN..!
Within a few years only the W.Cape will be relatively safe….and then….