One look at the sneering arrogance and the cold vacant stare on these representative samples of simian sub-humanity surely proves that, with their belief in Phrenology, the Victorians were on the right path to an accurate facial id of the criminally-inclined. The politically-correct revisionists who attempt to dismiss Phrenology as a “nowadays discredited pseudo-science" are the ones who should be throughly discredited and thoroughly ashamed, because Phrenology could save many lives of many innocent crime victims.
I’ve always maintained that the preventive elimination of criminally intentioned individuals (preferably at birth, if not before) would be an infinitely more efficient method of crime control than our idiotic system of waiting for the sub-human scum to commit their evil deeds, then trying to catch them at public expense, then trying to convict them at even greater public expense, and then having to pay to have these creatures incarcerated, fed and cared-for at enormous public (human) expense for the remainder of their useless turd-extruding lives.
OK, the rest of this post is satire...but,
I’ve always maintained that the preventive elimination of criminally intentioned individuals (preferably at birth, if not before) would be an infinitely more efficient method of crime control than our idiotic system of waiting for the sub-human scum to commit their evil deeds, then trying to catch them at public expense, then trying to convict them at even greater public expense, and then having to pay to have these creatures incarcerated, fed and cared-for at enormous public (human) expense for the remainder of their useless turd-extruding lives.
OK, the rest of this post is satire...but,
Someone should invent a crim-catching camera, one that incorporates facial-recognition software that rates faces for criminal propensity on an index of 1-10, with "1" being the face of a totally honest and sincere person like Madiba (sarcasm), and "10" being the complete opposite, like Mugarbage or the lumps of putrid excrement illustrated above.
Now if I were to write such a piece of software, I would vastly simplify the code by giving every nigger face a default "flag-fall" criminality index of no less than 5..!! Most race realists would rightly aver and say "what ONLY 5..! Bullshit, at least 9"..! This is my liberal side coming out..!
In my ideal future eco-cities powered by the renewable energy of nigger criminals on treadmills (I never said it was “clean” or "emission-free" energy, just renewable and in great abundance), any citizen scoring a perfect "1" on the "CRIMCAM" would be licenced to take random photos of suspicious looking characters (nigger and muslim mug-shots would obviously be prime targets – and muslims hate being photographed, hehhe) and, once the criminal is captured and caged and put to good use producing electricity, manure, and pig-swill, the crim-cam toting citizen would receive a reward. No criminals, no police force, no courts, no lawyers (they will be on the treadmill too), and no wages to pay – would this not be the perfect society?