Thursday, 18 October 2007
Black EmpowerMUNT by Extortion (BEE)
However, the typical tourist visiting SA has probably been programmed to be utterly faithful to the Mandelatopian "Rainbow Nation" fantasy that he has been hearing about for years, and may even have to chosen to visit SA in order to confirm the reality of the much-touted "miracle". He is probably unaware that there is such an immense social and cultural gulf between black rulers and their white erstwhile "subjects" that black and white can never, ever, truthfully be considered as part of the same country, however much self-delusional white liberals might want or wish it to be. So when the ANC mouths the weasel words "our people", they most certainly are not including whites, esp where the demands of "our people" need to be fulfilled. On the contrary whites are regarded as "alien people" or "non-people" - an incidental "un-natural" resource to be mined and exploited to the limit.
Consider BEE, in which at first large, then medium, and eventually small and family-sized "white" businesses cannot do business without appointing a (thoroughly useless and parasitical) black "partner". In some respects this is similar to the rules in many countries (mostly of the turd world variety) where foreigners cannot do business without a "local partner". So the first thing we notice is that the ANC has - with barely a whimper of outrage - created laws wherein white south africans have been demoted, de facto if not yet de jure, to "alien" or even "non-person" status within their own country.
However, in countries with "local partner" regulations (India quite possibly), the prospective foreign partner knows the rules beforehand and of course he is free to choose a local partner with useful skills and capital to contribute. Neither of course is the case in Apezania where blatantly racist BEE legislation forces whites to donate 100% of their skills and maybe 30% of their profits (more later, needless to say) to a "partner" whose sole "qualifications" are his/her ANC membership and black skin. This amounts to no more, nor less, than anti-white extortion by a "legalised" criminal fraternity, the ANC.
ANC = Afro-Nazi Criminals
BEE = Blacks Extorting Europeans
Monday, 08 October 2007
Knowledge cannot be "stolen".
The idea that knowledge (or civilisation) can be "stolen" from others, in the way that artifacts (eg, books) can be stolen, and that such "stolen knowledge" is forever lost to the originators of that knowledge (or civilisation) is so patently looney it really does not deserve discussion. The only possible way this could have been achieved would have been for the Greeks (or other evil whites) to have utterly exterminated the inferentially superior (sic) black (sic) creators (sic) of such a civilisation (sic). And, to the white mans everlasting cost and grief, this ultimate world-cleansing ecological achieveMUNT was sadly was never even considered by white men - not even by the Boers - although they had every incentive and right to do so after one third of their number were treacherously and butchered by the cowardly Dingaan, Shaka's half-brother and assassin.
(Shaka, btw, despite his bloodlust, clearly admired the whites. It is rumoured he learnt his devastating military tactics from his mentor Dingishwayo who, whilst an outcast from his tribe, had spent a lot of time with a British officer who had deserted and "gone native". It is more than likely that, over camp fires, the renegade oficer spoke about military tactics and transferred some of his knowledge to the carefully-listening black man. Anyway, as he was being budgeoned to death by Dingaan and accomplices, Shaka reputedly said "you fools, the white men will now come and conquer you".)
Something never remarked upon is that, historically, genocide is rarely if ever performed by a superior race. On the contrary, it is ALWAYS performed by a cognitively inferior (but numerically superior) race/group against a cognitively superior (but numerically inferior) one. The Nazi's did not contradict this generalisation because, although the Germans are quite probably the most intelligent European nation, Ashkenazi Jews are even brighter. This was an extremely rare, possibly unique in all of history, example of an otherwise highly civilised people engaging in genocide.
The tragic upshot of this episode is that, post WW2, the best interests of the white race have been irreparably harmed by legions of guilt-wracked "white liberals" subjecting the entire white race to everlasting penance and humiliation in the form of "multi-culti" race mixing - a course which can only lead to our own self-destruction - in a foolishly misguided attempt to right this historic wrong...! The post WW2 policy of giving "freedom" to inferior races which have been "oppressed" by whites is part and parcel of this penance seemingly without end. Indeed it would be no exagerration to liken it to a gigantic sacrificial offering - a free feast for the "useless turd extruders" (UTE's) of the "turd world" - in which Rhodesia was the small but tasty appetiser, South Africa the substantial and delicious entre, and no prizes for guessing the name of the yet to be served but enormously rich and satisfying main course...!
In case any of the jewish and american liberals who generously "donated" Rhodesia and South Africa to the "UTE's" are reading this - dont say you weren't warned..!!!
The greatest irony of all is that, ultimately, the white race (of which Ashkenazi Jews are a part) will suffer far more from this never-ending penance than the original victims.
To continue where I left off -
Assume I am the inventor and world authority on hydrolastic dododecahedron widgits (HDW´s). Nobody can "steal" my knowledge from me although, through books, articles, lectures, and the electronic media, I can if I wish choose to disseminate my encyclopaedic knowledge of HDW´s to the ignorant unwashed masses. But, unless my knowledge and expertise is absorbed and taken to new higher levels by another (smarter and more capable) individual, I will remain the world authority until I die or am otherwise eliminated from society.
Note that the person/persons who manage to climb new heights of HDW´s must either be cleverer or more vigorous (or both) than myself. Thousands of years of total lack of achieveMUNT have shown that this is clearly NOT the case with blacks vis a vis whites.
The very fact that many blacks have convinced themselves that "their once great knowledge" was irretrievably stolen from them by evil exploitative whites, is in itself compelling evidence that they are the complete imbecilic morons they most assuredly are...!!!